skull art

My skull art at Midvinterglöd 12 December in Jättendal, Sweden

My skull art at Midvinterglöd 12 December in Jättendal, Sweden

On the 12th of December I will exhibit my skull art at the alternative Christmas fair "Midvinterglöd" (Midwinterglow) in Jättendal, Sweden. At Midwinterglow we are celebrating the winter solstice with tales and story telling from Swedish folklore and norse mythology with our musical show "folklore Lucia"

I present to you my latest creation!

​My latest skull piece.

I present to you my latest piece of skull artwork inspired by the great Inca Culture, the mythological gods and goddesses, the ancient creatures. Another creature has risen from the grave and has been given life. Living Dead Artwork. Name and story to come soon...

This piece of artwork is available and for sale. Interested in this piece? Email me on

// Shara

A new creation to rise from her grave...

A new creation to rise from her grave...

Last evening, I had a vision for a new skull. In bronze and golden colours, like a mythological God or Goddess risen from the grave to protect and be protected, and I had the right skull for it. I started working rather late in the evening and stayed up most the night, creating, feeling and trying to interpret the inner vision I had had.

Tippithanaa - Widow of the stifling bygone

Tippithanaa - Widow of the stifling bygone. Skulls & Bones Artwork by Petra Shara Stoor 

Tippithanaa - Widow of the stifling bygone

In beauty

All broody

Tippithanaa - Tippiar an kaen vathmyaxim



Poems & Xhaimeran translations b
y Leo Flavum