Petra Shara Stoor of Skulls & Bones Artwork will exhibit her skull art at drive in Gallery Stoorverk (SenzaVib), in Gnarp, Sweden.
“When we pay attention to our feelings, thoughts and behaviors we increase our presence and awareness. We develop and gain insights about our values and attitudes. We can among other things, reflect by to seeing, feeling, hearing ... What do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear? Are you currently in the presence of my art? ”
Drive in Gallery Stoorverk. Open 24/7 in Gnarp, Sweden
The exhibition runs May 27th to Juny 9th.
Monday - Sunday
Open 24/7
Galleri Stoorverk
820 77 Gnarp
Galleri Stoorverk, SenzaVib / Skulls & Bones Artwork