The Scale of WisdomXXXV. Oramil Thar’a
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“ORAMIL THAR’AThe Scale of Wisdom“Take nothing but wisdom out of the Thrakandar”- Rhynnaa Solen, mage of Verun, Nora Duv“The location of the Thrakandar gate is the wise one’s riddle”- Wharuxian proverbPrepare to seek your balanceBalance what you’re prepared to seek—— Xhaimeran language ——ORAMIL THAR’A “Sathu tharom, nie akher Thrakandar vomaxen”- Rhynnaa Solen, nyxen an Verun, Nora Duv“Rokura an mon Thrakandar’a velina thar’yn’a exh”- Verinie WharuxhianimNarevxen ma stahlia sa vethox! Stahlianxen qom sar narevae vetho exh”
CreatedMay 2015, Jättendal / Sweden
Skull originSwedish Wild boar