The Watcher within the Web of Spirit
...and in the dream I saw the route of my spirit Through the web of Teheurat
And before the sight of a myriad of viable paths
Traps, foe, and a shortcut
And most of all, the dead ends and dried cries neath the ashes
My light flickered but so grateful
For who I am
Or was
Or will be
—— Xhaimeran language ——
Khulian dhimra Teheurat
...ad nem morn nar kuller an kathar na selandhun Thramar sagilar Teheurat’a
Ad ayat sela an lantanu an ruma’n dru reveau Kruth’en, rapth’en ruwkuil’ad
Axan ton, athrawar’en ad niri’en shourer glyfath’nash Cor na amatulhdhun seren dru spathim
Ar quaxh eo
Sovra eondhe
Sovra eorat
November 2011, Bjåsta / Sweden
Skull origin
Swedish Moose