He Who Walks Among the EmbersXV. Velvekh
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“VELVEKHHe Who Walks Among the EmbersCoal for naked feetEmbers scorching open derma AssailingCoal for naked feetEvocation, seep its beautyPrevailingAnd then you feal the palmOf he who walks the embersRoads and routes to calmSeek the secret and remember—— Xhaimeran language ——VELVEKHLan khal trama glyf’en radax Lifor yran’en’ar khorthuaGlyf’en nusma rine nexhXinhimLifor yran’en’ar khorthuaArur, nefer nei drihAshaximAd khun sar uoxhin zaeraxAn lan khal glyf’en radaxuRuma’n noraxim gru’adVelina sirsamaxim lahuxu”
CreatedDecember 2011, Bjåsta / Sweden
Skull originSwedish Moose