Presenting Petra Shara Stoor & Therese “Draktant” Skrinjar- Two artist uniting in a joint passion;
Skulls & Bones- Dead And Living Art Exhibition
From dead concrete to living organic material.
Welcome to Galleri 40, Hornsgatan 40, exhibition 9-15sep.
Opening night Friday 9 Sep 5pm-10pm
Petra Shara Stoor:
"Skulls from animals once perished find me... or I them. Thoughts arise about their ventures of the past, also of their dreams and desires of their future. From there they rise from their graves to tell their stories. Do you dare to hear them? Aruaa, my initial skull creation, was the awakening and first step of my journey. With this exhibition I invite you to join us."
Therese “Draktant” Skrinjar:
"I like to play with contradictions. To place the skull in different contexts, dress it in various materials and see how it effects it. What happens if you give it a name, and how does that effect the eye of the beholder?"
On the opening night you will encounter a dead "object" which is very much alive.
Skull art by Petra Shara Stoor
In Swedish:
Presenterar Petra Shara Stoor & Therese "Draktant" Skrinjar - två konstnärer som förenas i en gemensam passion;
Skulls & Bones - Dead And Living Art Exhibition
Från död betong till levande organiskt material
Välkommen till Galleri 40, Hornsgatan 40, utställning 9-15 sep.
Vernissage fredag 9 sep kl. 17-22
Petra Shara Stoor:
"Kranier av djur finner mig...eller jag dom. Tankar föds om vad dom en gång varit, ville bli eller önskar vara. De stiger ur sina gravar och berättar sin historia. Vågar du lyssna? Aruaa, min första kreation var uppvaknandet och begynnelsen till min resa. Med denna utställning bjuder jag er att följa med."
Therese “Draktant” Skrinjar:
"Jag gillar att leka med motstridigheter. Att placera dödskallen i olika kontexter, klä den i olika material och se hur detta påverkar den. Vad händer om man namnger den och hur påverkar det i sin tur betraktaren? Förändras den?"