Galnakh'xor - The Grand Defier. Skulls & Bones Artwork by Petra Shara Stoor
I present to you- the story of Galnakh'xor:
Galnakh’xor - The Grand Defier
The courage to question, challenge and defy
The bottomless well, soaked or all bone dry
Tell me, wanderer, when eying the face of the Defier
Do you dare to question?
Tell me, contemplator, when eyed by the soul of the Defier
Do you question if to dare
Galnakh'xor - Vexeren aza'xan
Kathwa ma ivunx, vex’la dhim groth
Yrela sarn'b'gorua, neath sovra ni'nearoth
Verinexen, radar, dram galnakh’xor vex
Sar ivun sa suvreh
Verinexen, ruynen, sov galnakh’xor vae
Sar suvre sa ivunx
Poems & Xhaimeran translations by Leo Flavum